Thursday, August 7, 2008


I have a friend who grew up with a step-dad who was a Nazi. A cleaning Nazi.
She would get grounded if she left the milk out for 10 seconds longer than it took he to pour a drink He made her vacuum all the stairs everyday. If she neglected to do any of her daily chores she would be grounded for weeks.

I recently found out he made her rake the carpet. YES RAKE THE CARPET!!!

I am so grateful for my parents. I wouldn't change a thing about the way I was raised.
Just thought they should know.


Camille said...

Aren't we so lucky? I thank my lucky stars every day that my parents weren't freaks about stuff like that. But, I am also so grateful for the times that they DID discipline me, because I now realize that without that structure, I'd be a total flop! Even when Kellen and I were married it became a challenge because I didn't have dad there to wake me up at 6, or mom there to guilt me into doing whats right! jk mom if you are reading this...

Anywho,sucks to rake your carpet!

Coco said...

haha raking the carpet?? That is the funniest thing I've heard all day. I but I do feel for your friend...I love my mother but when it came to cleaning when I was a youngster, she would stand over me and watch me clean around the toilet to make sure I was doing it right. hahahaa

Kara said...

Ha Ha Ha! That is not normal! He for sure is INSANE in every literal meaning of the word! I finally updated so no more worrying if I am dead or alive! :)

Kara said...

Ha Ha Ha! That is not normal! He for sure is INSANE in every literal meaning of the word! I finally updated so no more worrying if I am dead or alive! :)